Luxuries of Life

Monday, March 26, 2007

okay okay okay. man. these blogger people sure are strict. they sent me an email (via sarah's email address, ironically enough) that said in 48 hours, if no post has been submitted, then luxuries of life would be deleted. ouch. so that really motivated me to post something. anything. and since it's been FOREVER since i've posted about anything relevant (and by that i mean trivial, unrelevant subjects), you'd think that great thoughts would spring forth from within my brain. well, the joke's on you, then. because, as it turns out, my brain is not in the same shape that it used to be pre-abby. and it's strange b/c she's a really good baby nowadays and i'm still unrecovered (i know, not a word) from her. back in the day, i would constantly be "blogging" mentally, and when i got to the computer, i'd let that which was dammed up in my head flow freely. hence, great blogging. sadly, thus is not the case. it's like an empty sphere, all day. no funny blogging going on up there. not much of anything, really. so i'll attempt to grow a great garden of wit as i type. oh the pain.

today was a very nice day. dean once again entered the workforce after 9 days of vacation. and he didn't have to go in until 11 am so it wasn't a very rude awakening. sleeping in is the best. so after a nice, restful morning, WHIRLWIND. boy, talk about lots of work to be done in very little time. i'm not sure how many people out there are married with 3 preschoolers, but when your husband's home, not much housework gets done. so after 9 days, we'll just say that a good 2-3 days worth of cleaning was needed. nope. i had 1 hour to finish the house. (except of course my room. i just told debi not to go in there.) i very foolishly invited my friend debi and her two kids over for luch at noon. so that gave me one hour to clean house. wow. it's a good thing she was about 5 minutes late or it would have been a complete disaster. as it turned out, i was able to whip up a clean house and had time to make some tea. it was my great pleasure to make her some seaweed, sushi, whatever you want to call them, wraps. and boy were they yummy. (the kids of course had pb&j. did you even have to ask?) then, we had the pleasure of going over to debi's house where the kids got to play with water guns in the back yard, even though it was fairly chilly to me without the water. those poor kids were freezing. but super cute. we had a wonderful time playing and cleaning and changing diapers and..............

that leads me to the BIG news!!! i ALMOST saw abby's two bottom teeth today!!! they are right there, just beneath the surface. i tried vigorously to mush on the gums to break them through, but was very greatly encouraged by dean and debi alike to STOP THAT!!! oops. how was i to know that my idea was dreadful. just trying to help poor little abby out. i didn't want her to have to do all the work. but i guess i've learned that sometimes, trying to help in not the right thing to do. let nature take it's course, as someone once said. i'll let you know when they finally burst through. i wonder what they would say if i did the same thing for abby's hair. help out the growing process by ever-so-gently pulling on it. hey, it might work. i'll try it after her nap. i'll let you know about that as well.

i was thinking. dean and i get along SO well. how
ever, there are those few days when the moon shines just right and we both happen to be a little snappy at the same time. just wanted to share with the world the course that the ledbetter couple must take in order to regain order.

1. dean is in a bad mood.
2. puts grace in a bad mood.
3. dean gets mad b/c grace being in a bad mood doesn't help him to get out of his bad mood.
4. grace gets mad that dean can be in a bad mood and she can't.
5. both are in bad moods.
6. grace gets out of her bad mood and tries to make up.
7. it's too late. dean's already in a separate ba
d mood that grace was in a bad mood.
8. grace gets mad all over again.
9. we get tired of spending quality time not snuggling.
10. we both hug.
11. bad moods over.

now this process is easily reversed. just switch names while reading and it's still the same course. it's wonderful. marriage is highly underrated.

well, the rain outside is beautiful. just wanted to
say that very quickly.

before i started this post, i spent a good 3 minutes going through my camera and deleting my dear little sarah's crazy pictures. she gets so excited with the camera and uses up so much memory. and she loves to take pictures of ridiculous things. for example... her mouth, her underarm, whatever cartoon she is watching, her my little pony dvd, her toothbrush/toothpaste, the ceiling, AWFUL pictures of me, the shoes she happens to be wearing, anything that people would hate to see on a camera. so this post would have come sooner, but i was busy deleting. sorry.

well, blogger, delete my website now.... that's what i thought.


At 5:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a HOOT! (You don't know what it's taking for me to not correct "it's" and other such atrocities.) I enjoyed your post. You are quite witty, you know.... I love those babies! Little Abs sitting up like crazy--look at her! Debbie looks like a keeper. Tell her if she needs some weight-gaining tips, I can really help her out. Write me!

At 6:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due to your recent, witty post, we'll not delete your blog.
Thank you.
your friends @ Blogger

At 6:15 PM , Blogger sarahdodson said...

Hey, Grace. Wow. WELCOME BACK. I enjoyed reading your post so much that I literally CedUMB several times (chuckled under my breath).

That Debi looks like a sweetheart. Glad she liked the "healthy" wraps. We HAD some healthy brownies here earlier today, but now they're gone. oops. Cute kids, too.

Abby's sitting up?! How cute is that??? I love that girl. And Grace, DO NOT try to get her hair to grow faster. HOW MEAN CAN YOU GET??!

Well, I'd better tend to my tired family. I enjoyed reading the course your bad moods take;) ha!


At 9:10 PM , Blogger Emmie, aka Vivian said...

Really, Bubs, writing to pretend you're Blogger--to what depths have you sunk? Good job on the corrections. Sorry. Picky mum, eh?

Did you REALLY think we would believe that Blogger refers to itself as Anonymous? You're so cute.

At 9:11 PM , Blogger Emmie, aka Vivian said...

PS Curtains in the LIVING ROOM? Wowie....

At 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey ---I hope this works!
Love you--tara

At 7:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. . . yahoo!!!!! I can post to you now! ;o)

The pictures of the bambinos are super sweet, sweet Grace!

I agree with your precious Mama about the wowie curtains! Good job!

p.s. . . I love wowie. Sometimes I like adopting new words into my vocabulary just for the sake of it sounding fun. My last adopted word was "kosher." I've long since gotten over that now because saying kosher isn't kosher anymore.

Forever in Him---tara ;o)

At 11:31 AM , Blogger Christy said...

Grace, I commented the other day and then it still hasn't shown up. Isn't that just like blogger! Rats. Oh well.. Love you. Love the pics. I think that was the gist of it.. Oh yeah, and a suggestion that we be friends this weekend at the thing! ;) Can't wait to see you.. I've got more banana chips.

And Mikayla asked me to tell you that she loves you too - A LOT!! And she really is excited to see you soon.. she can hardly wait!

At 6:45 AM , Blogger sarahdodson said...

Oh, Grace, there you go again racking up the comments. You little stinker. When's BABYABBY coming to see me??!
well, I think ya know

At 4:52 PM , Blogger Christy said...

Hey! Just wanted you to know that I had a fun LNO Friday night... thanks for the fun. :) I don't stay out that late for just anyone, so you should take that as a good indication of how much I love you. So yeah.. Hope to see you again sometime soon. :) Maybe in McKinney this time???

Love you!

At 11:58 AM , Blogger sarahdodson said...

Woo hoo! Road trip to McKinney. Ali, are you in? :)

At 6:34 AM , Blogger Grace said...

sarah, that's so mean. getting my hopes up like that and all. ohh, i really want you guys to come over. (and if you're wondering if you read that right, yes, i did sound like sarah when i tell her no treats at the store. except i should have put ohhhhhhh.) just wanted all the ladies (and any husband who wants to join in, although it will be "boys in one room, girls in the other!" policy. because we know how much they LOVE that.) well, ladies, do come visit. ian's been itching to sleep in sarah's room. and abby in the closet. she loves that. love you.


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