Luxuries of Life

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

last one...

for now... hehe. and then, sleep, oh peaceful sleep. how i love thee.

a few positive pics

since that ian one was a little gruesome, i thought i'd post some cuter ones. last night was a better night. it was raining, and we went on the hammock and enjoyed a little photo session. and dean even came home earlier than i expected! how rare is that. especially with tomorrow (technically today) being inventory. crazy times. so i love you ladies (no guys are reading this right?) and feel free to call whenever you wish. and a big shout out (always wanted to say that) to naomi joy risse. holla! just kidding. i love you and can't wait to meet you on saturday, hopefully.

too tired for this

i'm not sure why i'm up at midnight blogging. i couldn't sleep so here i am, trying to make my brain go. well, this has been an eventful night. it started out nicely with a peaceful nap, and then turned sour. when ian woke from his nap, tragedy struck in the form of a big red heart. too bad that heart was made of blood. yup, while running back to his bed, ian tripped on one of his toys (which is so ironic since there weren't any toys on the floor. just kidding. there were tons.) and hit his head on the side of his bed. right between the eyes. and as most mothers can attest, "those head wounds sure do bleed a lot." it was like a fountain. not a big gash, but it sure was deep. so i called dean, and he said he'd be right home. he was quick too, making a record breaking hour or so before he arrived. that work of his is getting so crazy. anyways, i brought him to see wayne and wayne and tara agreed that stitches were called for. it looked awful. so off to the e.r. we went. ian had a superb attitude.

just thought i needed to make a new paragraph. ...a superb attitude. that was, until they wrapped him up like a mummy (that's like holding a cat down on his back and holding his legs. fight mode kicks in.), blinded him with gauze (he likes to have his eyes free of any foreign objects, as most of you know.), and stuck him between the eyes to numb the pain (am i the only one who has noticed that you go through more pain to get rid of pain than the original pain itself. so wierd.) if you've ever seen the princess bride, ian looked like wesley when he was on the torture machine. his body made and "n", which i thought was pretty impressive of him, since dean was trying his hardest to hold him down. that boy is strong. and then he got two stitches while the p.a. kept telling him to "stop crying! i can't do the stitches if you're crying!" not quite that mean, but almost.

so, the last stitch in place, ian hops off the bed, asks about the sucker, and says "wow! that didn't hurt at all!" nothing wrong sometimes with a little short term memory loss. sometimes, it's for the best. and he and sarah happily enjoyed their sucker on the way home, without a care in the world.

wish i had a better picture, but alas, this is all that was taken of the tragedy.